from what I understand, John is describing a more granular view on the "scope of work mandate" (the vertical axis of the Org Topologies map).

the OT map also defines horizontally the "scope of skills mandate". we believe this is critical to get the full picture. as people/teams/agents are (dis)allowed to apply certain skills.

both mandates are someone's decision (we call it org design) and we work with organizations to 1) get the awareness of these mandates; 2) purposefully re-define them; 3) develop a multi-year org development direction (i.e. from CAPS-2 to PART-4 on the map).

see https://www.orgtopologies.com/ for more on the map & mapping method.

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Liked I lot your frame of the work/decision in different levels. Would point out though that the last two levels (I and H) are too vague ("generate"). I've being using this frame but changed it a little bit to:

H: Structure to achieve [short to long term business outcome] - the rationale here is that the scope of decisions include defining the organizational structure to achieve something

I: Invest to achieve [long-term business outcome] - the rationale here is that the scope of decisions here are where to invest money

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Those are nice additions. I actually designed them to be vague, in the sense I wanted people to encompass *all* of the responsibilities — many of them — that go into making the claim that you'll bring home a certain $ result. But I like this framing.

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Wow, I am very excited to read your books about and I loved this so much.


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