Hey John this one was a gem, really resonated with me. I've seen the WIP limits work but might try some of these other ideas

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Hey John this one was a gem, really resonated with me. I've seen the WIP limits work but might try some of these other ideas

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Hey John this one was a gem, really resonated with me. I've seen the WIP limits work but might try some of these other ideas

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Thanks John! Loved this one (again!) !

Being French I just have a doubt on 2 things, I'd like to be sure I understand:

"Team takes every sixth week off and focuses on gardening, weeding, systems, tools, and redesigning how it works."

=> What do you have in mind with "gardening/weeding"? Like code cleaning, learning, improvements... or real gardening & weeding because that's a way of clearing your mind :) ?

"New hires do support desk duty"

=> What kind of "support desk duty" ? Do you mean "after sales services"/customer management on a web product or internal support for the company like admin/office management?


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Thanks John, could not agree more, and kinda living this as of now and have the words(in title) on my mind most of the time...

One point I could not understand well enough "Random teams form to tackle new challenges for a month." Would you elaborate pl

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