Tempo and rituals are key to this unlock, as lots of 'traditional' organisations attempt to move the majority of their operating model to a 'flow'(ish) dynamic, yet the financial planning rituals, the planning cycles (annual/quarterly) remain the same and the pace for 'sign off' (aka: permission from your parents) to try new things (big or small) remain.

As the saying goes: 'status quo has inertia on it's side', so therefore from my experience some of the Kotter (https://www.kotterinc.com/methodology/8-steps/) change principles are required alongside a mindset that forces a new way of thinking, operating, working for EVERYTHING that is in place ... then decide to keep, change or bin.

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A key question here is tempo*. Most organizations are locked into rigid annual budgeting and planning cycles that are the opposite of agility. We need to purposefully break those.


*Someone should start a Substack on that.

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