Another thoughtful article under the forcing function of your weekly writing commitment. I actually don't like the quote but am big fan of the over-arching sentiment.

For some reason, the quoted definition, tied specifically to UXD feels off from my general definition of Forcing Function. Mainly it is the last phrase that says "...and thus deliberately disrupts the efficient or automatised performance of a task." I believe that focused attention drives up efficient execution overall. Further, this focus has greater impact on the broader context of getting things done with higher quality.

Design Example: Think about the Terms & Conditions on a service that you must scroll to the end on before they allow you to click an Accept button. It feels less efficient to the user but is a more efficient way to improve the odds people read the text than potential alternatives.

Alas, I am just being picky. The sentiment holds and is true. Forcing functions are a great tool for motivating attention to drive desired outcomes.

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Hey John! Great article! I've been unknowingly forcing healthy functions on my team for awhile. They're experiments we revisit every once in awhile, and so far it's working great!

With regards to the micro-sprints though... is this a home-function or work-function?

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