Love the illustration!

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Just two days so, I wrote about Success Activities vs Distracting Activities: https://www.leadinginproduct.com/p/success-activities-vs-distracting-activities

This is somewhat similar!

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This reflects my own experience, and it's quite distressing.

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Interesting how every single item in the first list is, in some form, feedback from customers, and everything in the second list is not.

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Burun estetiği, tıbbi literatürde rinoplasti olarak bilinir ve hem estetik hem de fonksiyonel amaçlarla yapılan cerrahi bir müdahaledir. Bu makalede burun estetiği operasyonlarının tarihçesi, yöntemleri, riskleri, iyileşme süreci ve sonuçları üzerinde durulacaktır.


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