This should be a post script to “transformed” by Marty Cagan :)

Just finished it last week, and read the discussions between you, Lenny and Ben Erez.

I think the most important part is not to devalue the current process/team. If it’s not outcome based roadmap, doesn’t mean it’s trash.

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We lacked a none of the above option in that poll! But I wanted to show you I read the whole post. They're lways worth the full five minutes.

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I absolutely love the tone you've struck recently - your way of addressing the gritty reality of established companies speaks to my heart... or maybe my scars.

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Great post, in fact could you do a talk on this at our AgileRTP meetup?

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This could not be said or described better.

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A really good post that sums up much of the problems when people call things transformation. I did a lot of change with my colleagues on small scale and no budget which brought big changes but then these things became a small subset of a big transformation at other organisations and were not delivered.

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I went through a few unsuccessful and two successful transformations. Referring to one of the successful - it did stick to majority of these rules but it also did feel a bit like a project. The difference was we knew it won't have a true end (and I think this is the essence of your first paragraph). The goal was to catchup with the product development culture between our fresher teams in Europe and the ones in US/AU that we perceived as performing better. So you can work with timelines, tasks and all the other project management tools but the goal is less material than usually - in this case it was catching up.

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Loved this article so much I forwarded it on to my current client! Celebrating where you have gotten to and acknowledging that it will not get you to the next phase (together) is such a key step. Would you like me to send you a big bottle of delicious Marmite all the way from London? You can get customised labels …

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This was like a shot of adrenaline. Now I can start my day 🌈🙌

Thank you so much for yet another great post that will carry me through the week 🫶

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