That slide is sooo familiar!

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Your site is good Actually, i have seen your post and That was very informative and very entertaining for me. https://www.jacketsmasters.com/product/organization-13-kingdom-hearts-coat-hoodie/

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Its an interesting project, showing how innovative tunneling technology can be! It's great to see engineering push boundaries. a The Bear Season 2 Jacket is perfect for staying comfortable and stylish, while checking out all these cool developments. https://www.thefamousjackets.co.uk/jeremy-allen-the-bear-season-2-jacket/

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As always, remember that I draw on interactions with hundreds of companies https://astonjackets.com/product/dandy-worldwide-gift-giving-hoodie/

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It is my experience that when faced with large unexpected problems such as NDE or dysfunctionally inefficient organisations we should start with a different context to look for inspiration and solutions.

Starting small tells us how to start - but not where. I prefer to relax the bounds of the business problem and look to art and nature for the solution. Artists learn differently to agile workers. Rather than failing fast artists compose, practise, and rehearse then perform, record, edit and distribute. The art form may be static (architecture, poetry and prose, painting or sculpture) or dynamic (music, dance, movies, games). Applying dynamic solutions is scenario modelling - and there are 8 basic shapes of action over time to consider then select the best candidate, and have the others as contingency to recognise inflection point and know when to apply interventions.

For myself change is simple. When applying chage to an organisiton it is rather more difficult. Knowledge and information are hidden in a similar way that films are classified. To this end I use lean scenes to show the necessary change and benefits at 3 levels - maker, manager, master. It is new and and flexing and you are welcome to try the tools and technniqies here https://timeandemotion.com/climate/salve

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This is happening now

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Too real

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John, your words and thoughts inspire time to stop up and reflect. Sometimes that's all we need. This was what I needed.

Thank you.

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