What you describe is about leadership and company culture. Safety is not tradable and needs to be solved completely before you can continue to work. The good thing about paper cut tax is there are loads of incremental improvements anybody can start with. That is a huge opportunity.

Price tag: improving process step X will reduce the risk of having to redsign product component Y by Z%. You can usually find out or estimate what a product iteration costs.

I once wrote a article about the cost of bad meetings that are not facilitated well.

It is all pretty easy to implement compared to a forgotten sprinkler system in a buikding.

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This issue is compounded in Engineering, where on the surface, engineers appear to have a straightforward task. However, beneath that simplicity lies a web of complexities, dependencies, and issues waiting to surface. But then, the complexities accumulate over time. One of the ways this can be solved is via tooling. Check out this podcast: https://console.dev/podcast/s04e07-why-engineering-sucks-eli-schleifer

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