Spot on. EXCEPT for the dig against program managers. Sure, bad ones will play the system for their own controlling ends. But so will bad product managers. Great program managers will act as the wind in the sails of product development teams, constantly optimizing for effective value delivery. Noone should still be promoting scrum in 2023 in all but the most dysfunctional environments
Spot on. EXCEPT for the dig against program managers. Sure, bad ones will play the system for their own controlling ends. But so will bad product managers. Great program managers will act as the wind in the sails of product development teams, constantly optimizing for effective value delivery. Noone should still be promoting scrum in 2023 in all but the most dysfunctional environments
Spot on. EXCEPT for the dig against program managers. Sure, bad ones will play the system for their own controlling ends. But so will bad product managers. Great program managers will act as the wind in the sails of product development teams, constantly optimizing for effective value delivery. Noone should still be promoting scrum in 2023 in all but the most dysfunctional environments