Amen to the "goals should do . . . " list. I've found success with goals when I hold quarterly planning and review sessions, and regular (no less frequent than every 2 weeks) 1-1s. And those 1-1s use as their agenda the current quarter's goals. I've put goals into 3 categories: 1) Things I plan to get done; 2) Things I plan to learn or getter better at (knowledge and skills); and, 3) People I plan to work with (create or build a relationship). In the planning session at the start of a quarter, we do a retrospective on the past quarter and then set goals for the next quarter with a healthy dose of realistic expectations. As a manager, I make the commitment to support my direct reports to accomplish the plan we create and hold myself accountable not to do things that would get in the way of their success.
Amen to the "goals should do . . . " list. I've found success with goals when I hold quarterly planning and review sessions, and regular (no less frequent than every 2 weeks) 1-1s. And those 1-1s use as their agenda the current quarter's goals. I've put goals into 3 categories: 1) Things I plan to get done; 2) Things I plan to learn or getter better at (knowledge and skills); and, 3) People I plan to work with (create or build a relationship). In the planning session at the start of a quarter, we do a retrospective on the past quarter and then set goals for the next quarter with a healthy dose of realistic expectations. As a manager, I make the commitment to support my direct reports to accomplish the plan we create and hold myself accountable not to do things that would get in the way of their success.